The Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue aims at developing continuous dialogue with other regions and international organisations on matters of common concern and relevance for higher education with respect to which cooperation and sharing of ideas and policies can be mutually beneficial. CG1 on Global Policy Dialoge aimed at preparing and conducting the Bologna Global Policy Forum that was planned to be held in conjunction with the 2020 Rome Ministerial Conference. As the Ministerial Conference was organised in a virtual format, a Global Policy Forum could not take place and a Global dialogue panel “Moving towards 2030: what global cooperation in higher education should look like and how to build it” was organised during the afternoon on the global approach in the next decade of the EHEA.

3rd Meeting of Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue | 1 June 2022, online

4th Meeting of Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue | 24 October 2022, online

5th Meeting of Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue | 16 January 2023, online

6th Meeting of Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue | 6 March 2023, Rome

7th Meeting of Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue | 26 May 2023, Rome

8th Meeting of Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue | 27 September 2023, Rome

9th Meeting of Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue | 30 November 2023, The Hague

10th Meeting of Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue | 18 January, online

11th Meeting of Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue | 1 March 2024, online

In the framework of the IN-GLOBAL project a List of international HE stakeholders has been realised.

Please find it here: List of international HE stakeholders (last update: 20/10/2022).